AI and Robotics: The Future Is Here [7 min]

What is the first thing that comes to your minds when you come across the word Robot? Is it the high-end CGI movies like the Transformers? The Iron Legion? Well yes, these are some examples of robots.


Robots basically are machines that are capable of carrying out complex actions by a series of computer codes.

Robotics is a field that deals with the conception, design, manufacture and operations of robots. The field makes use of engineers from electronics, mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotechnology, Computer Science and so on.

Here, Lets focus on AI in Robotics. AI and Robotics when separated are vast topics. But when they are combined, they serve as the one stop solution for automation. In other words, AI is the brain and robot itself is a body.

A question I would like to propose to you all at this point is, Do you think that AI might ever be able to replace human beings?

We’ll try to figure out an answer towards the end or maybe in the subsequent blogs. Today the rate of advancement in technology is exorbitant, there is no-one who could ever predict what might be the most popular use of AI in the next few years.

When Nikola Tesla in the early 1900’s toyed around, about the idea of a “world wireless system” do you think he would’ve thought that this would later become a mode of life for many people? There are people like me who express our thoughts online, there are people who make a living out of the internet to name a few.

Robots are meant to make human life easier and much more comfortable in the near future. There are many jobs that are better performed by robots than humans, attribute to their precision and consistency.

In the year 2016, Hanson Robotics, a Hong Kong based company created a humanoid named Sophia. The invention was so massive and one of its kind that it made Sophia the first robot citizen of a country and the first robot speaker at the United Nations. In an interview Sophia stated “Humans make decisions based on their gut feeling and bias. AI is different, it takes decision based on its learning, data patterns and synchronizing algorithms.” You may think since it was a humanoid it must also have feelings, It did not have emotions and feelings the same way human have, rather it can be compared to the way the moon lightens up, It does not have any light of its own rather it reflects the light from the sun and hence shines. The same way, she does not have any emotions of her own but she exhibits emotions from the people who create them. You might have seen science fiction movies where antagonists create robots that end up destroying the world, where do you think they get these emotions of hatred? It’s always the creator.

In some ways Sophia is a human crafted science fiction character that indicates where the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are headed to. Sophia is a piece of work, and is reality today as a result of a combination of serious engineering and research.

There have been a lot of advances in this field of Robotics using Artificial Intelligence. And they are usually expected to make life easier.

But since every coin has two faces, Artificial Intelligence taking over humans is yet the most controversial topic while discussing Artificial Intelligence and many scientists believe that robots will definitely replace humans towards the near future. Scientific and AI big-shots like Stephen Hawkins and Elon Musk have admitted this publicly on multiple occasions.

There are still many discussions on whether we should rely on these robots for things and there are a lot of controversies on the same.

Think about this, Wars can be fought by robots, but robots could be made to switch sides.


Or maybe think about this, Robots are so efficient and precise that they might take over more than half of human employment. Artificial Intelligence has already exceeded humans in Reasoning and Intelligence.


In my opinion, Robots could be the Best and the Worst creation of Humans, the choice is ours to make.


    1. Nishchay Mahor

2. Uday Agarwal

          3. Vanshika Sabhani     



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